Sure wish the city sold Key Arena to him – if the new team isn’t there, the Key will be just a big, empty problem the City will have to keep paying for.
NBA games, concerts, etc – all the events that would have gone to the Key will now go to the new arena.
1coolguy on
Sure wish the city sold Key Arena to him – if the new team isn’t there, the Key will be just a big, empty problem the City will have to keep paying for.
NBA games, concerts, etc – all the events that would have gone to the Key will now go to the new arena.
Chancerstick on
HOCKEY! would be very sucessful here, I’m thinking intimidating like black and brown streaked uniforms with rave green glowing eyes on the helmets….The Seattle Sasqatch
Basketball is my favorite sport to play, but sadly I am less than excited about the product the NBA puts out, and still feel bitterly toward David Stern….Play Defense…somebody…anybody?
Anonymous on
I don’t know about your color scheme but I really like the Sasquatch idea, the mascot could be a bigfoot and have a third jersey with a giant footprint logo.
Chancerstick on
HOCKEY! would be very sucessful here, I’m thinking intimidating like black and brown streaked uniforms with rave green glowing eyes on the helmets….The Seattle Sasqatch
Basketball is my favorite sport to play, but sadly I am less than excited about the product the NBA puts out, and still feel bitterly toward David Stern….Play Defense…somebody…anybody?
somethingbasic on
I don’t know about your color scheme but I really like the Sasquatch idea, the mascot could be a bigfoot and have a third jersey with a giant footprint logo.
Curious on
Key Arena is approx 400×400 feet square (just the building, not including sidewalks, etc. that surround the building). The lot where the new arena will be built is approx 300×700 feet. (Some allowances must be made, because the space is not a perfect rectangle.) Unless they plan on erecting the building above the street to the west and/or moving the railroad tracks to the east, that is going to make for a very narrow new arena. (And we thought Key Arena was small…)
Curious on
Key Arena is approx 400×400 feet square (just the building, not including sidewalks, etc. that surround the building). The lot where the new arena will be built is approx 300×700 feet. (Some allowances must be made, because the space is not a perfect rectangle.) Unless they plan on erecting the building above the street to the west and/or moving the railroad tracks to the east, that is going to make for a very narrow new arena. (And we thought Key Arena was small…)
Sure wish the city sold Key Arena to him – if the new team isn’t there, the Key will be just a big, empty problem the City will have to keep paying for.
NBA games, concerts, etc – all the events that would have gone to the Key will now go to the new arena.
Sure wish the city sold Key Arena to him – if the new team isn’t there, the Key will be just a big, empty problem the City will have to keep paying for.
NBA games, concerts, etc – all the events that would have gone to the Key will now go to the new arena.
HOCKEY! would be very sucessful here, I’m thinking intimidating like black and brown streaked uniforms with rave green glowing eyes on the helmets….The Seattle Sasqatch
Basketball is my favorite sport to play, but sadly I am less than excited about the product the NBA puts out, and still feel bitterly toward David Stern….Play Defense…somebody…anybody?
I don’t know about your color scheme but I really like the Sasquatch idea, the mascot could be a bigfoot and have a third jersey with a giant footprint logo.
HOCKEY! would be very sucessful here, I’m thinking intimidating like black and brown streaked uniforms with rave green glowing eyes on the helmets….The Seattle Sasqatch
Basketball is my favorite sport to play, but sadly I am less than excited about the product the NBA puts out, and still feel bitterly toward David Stern….Play Defense…somebody…anybody?
I don’t know about your color scheme but I really like the Sasquatch idea, the mascot could be a bigfoot and have a third jersey with a giant footprint logo.
Key Arena is approx 400×400 feet square (just the building, not including sidewalks, etc. that surround the building). The lot where the new arena will be built is approx 300×700 feet. (Some allowances must be made, because the space is not a perfect rectangle.) Unless they plan on erecting the building above the street to the west and/or moving the railroad tracks to the east, that is going to make for a very narrow new arena. (And we thought Key Arena was small…)
Key Arena is approx 400×400 feet square (just the building, not including sidewalks, etc. that surround the building). The lot where the new arena will be built is approx 300×700 feet. (Some allowances must be made, because the space is not a perfect rectangle.) Unless they plan on erecting the building above the street to the west and/or moving the railroad tracks to the east, that is going to make for a very narrow new arena. (And we thought Key Arena was small…)