Lots of intriguing developments lately suggest that there may be a way forward this fall for college football in the Pac-12 Conference. Then Louisiana State coach Ed Orgeron had to spoil it for all by doing something exactly opposite of everyone else in the industry.
He told the truth. What a knucklehead.
The day before the Big Ten Conference announced Wednesday it had improved its COVID-19 testing capacity sufficiently to begin an eight-game season Oct. 27, finishing Dec. 19 — the day before the CFB four-team playoff field is selected — Orgeron blabbed casually to reporters that his defending national champions were rife with the bug.
“Not all of our players, but most of our players have caught it,” he said. “I think that hopefully they won’t catch it again, and hopefully they’re not out for games.”
Asked to clarify, Orgeron had no specific data, but offered a semi-prognosis.
“Hopefully that once you catch it, you don’t get it again,” he said. “I’m not a doctor. I think they have that 90-day window, so most of the players that have caught it, we do feel like they’ll be eligible for games.”
Good to know what Orgeron “feels like,” in order to base a health policy affecting his athletes. But credit him with ignoring the fine print in the standard big-time coaching contract, the part where it says, “Since there is no money in the truth, parties agree to ignore it.”
Orgeron’s honest blurt seemed to catch the college football industry off-guard, as if it only wanted to hear about declining infection rates nationally. That national rates are coming down, but no one outside the LSU program knows whether the champs are a part of the trend or apart from it.
That’s because LSU doesn’t make public its test results, as is the case with the rest of the Southeastern Conference and many nationally, including five Pac-12 schools (UCLA, Utah, Oregon, Arizona State and Colorado).
In a story published Sept. 3 about an ESPN survey of the schools in the Power 5 conferences, about half refused to report what amounts to public health data to the public that funds the many public universities that play big-time football.
That is the acme of disingenuousness.
Obviously, the schools are hiding bad news. And they are hiding behind federal student privacy laws, which are not in play here. No schools’ disclosures are offering names of students, nor are media inquiries asking for student names. The purpose is to provide cumulative data to assess the spread of infection, a public health matter.
Schools don’t want to disclose what Texas Tech volunteered Monday, that its football program has had 75 positive tests since July. Wisconsin has paused football for two weeks. Florida has suspended baseball an lacrosse after 46 athletes combined were positive.
Two weeks into the college football season, 13 games have been postponed or canceled. Arkansas State played Saturday without nine starters, and canceled next Saturday’s game.
College campuses have become the engine driving COVID-19’s continuing impact in America. A USA Today survey discovered that of the 25 hottest outbreaks in the U.S., communities heavy with college students represent 19 of them.
In the county-by-county survey published Friday, No. 2 on the list was Whitman County, home to Washington State, which had 1,295 cases per 100,000. It was the only Pac-12 school listed in the top 25.
Sports advocates like to say that because of the safety protocols in place, athletes are safer within the athletic department than outside of it. That’s true to some extent, but most regular students are attending online and aren’t allowed on campus either. The students and athletes create super-spreader events by mingling off-campus, obviously, or Orgeron wouldn’t be sputtering his truths.
With the Big Ten’s capitulation to fan, player and political pressure for the re-vote to start next month, the Pac-12 was left as the only Power 5 conference with no plan to return. Even though it has signed up for point-of-care testing with a San Diego company, Quidel Corp., a diagnostic health care manufacturer of FDA-approved rapid tests, the breakthrough technology won’t be on campuses until Sept. 30.
Commissioner Larry Scott has said numerous times, including Wednesday, that he and the schools’ CEOs are in agreement that they will respect the mandates of state and local public-health officials. But one thing changed late Wednesday with news that the governors of California and Oregon were no longer opposing the resumption of practices for the six conference teams under their jurisdictions.
“The Pac-12 welcomes today’s statements by Governor (Gavin) Newsom of California and Governor (Kate) Brown of Oregon that state public health officials will allow for contact practice and return to competition,” Scott said in a statement Thursday, “and that there are no state restrictions on our ability to play sports in light of our adherence to strict health and safety protocols and stringent testing requirements, including our recently announced partnership with Quidel which will enable daily rapid results testing.”
The states’ permissions don’t mean a return has been green-lighted. County and local officials must be the final arbiters.
“Getting the local county approvals as soon as possible would allow our student-athletes and our coaches to start what we think of as normal practice,” Scott said Wednesday during an interview on ESPN’s SportsCenter. “And then the best-case scenario is six weeks of practice, training camp and starting (the season) end of October, early November. But that’s still subject to county approvals, which we don’t have yet.”
Answering a question about the Pac-12’s eligibility for the CFB’s playoffs, Scott said, “We’re behind the eight ball. There’s no question about that. But we determined early on, we’re only gonna play if we can do it safely and in a way that’s consistent with our medical professionals’ comfort level — that we’re not increasing the spread of this virus by playing football.
“So no doubt, we are behind others. But if we get the approvals rapidly, then we will be able to have a very meaningful season and be in the hunt.”
The Pac-12′ s CEO Group will meet Friday to discuss options. Also part of the discussion is the environmental crisis of wildfires and smoke plaguing the three West Coast states.
No season, or a season so short that it may deny the conference a spot in the playoff consideration, has led to some massive hand-wringing by fans and some in the media that the Pac-12 will suffer some monumental loss of prestige if it doesn’t have a fall season in some form as the other Power 5 conferences.
Sure, loss of revenues are substantial, and the loss of athletic opportunity for some athletes is irreplaceable. That was already underway.
But post-pandemic, whatever shape big-time college athletics retains, if any, will surely include Seattle, the Bay Area, Los Angeles and Phoenix, and every other pin in the map. At this crisis-pickled moment, the needs of colleges following twin disasters of fire and disease far outweigh the diversion of sports.
But while this plays out, the Pac-12 can do itself a favor by underscoring a single value: Transparency.
Scott needs to demand that all conferences disclose public health information about testing results. He also needs to say the quiet part out loud, explaining why he will not help create pressure on the politicians who stand with health science, unlike many of their peers nationally.
He needs to say the Pac-12 can’t afford litigation stemming from the death or long-term debilitation from COVID-19 of an athlete who was allowed to participate in sports, despite the declaration by governments of an unsafe environment. Everyone knows this truth, yet no one says it. Time to be a leader, Larry.
Maybe the politicians and athletics directors in the Big Ten states are bigger risk-takers. They can carry on with SEC pal Orgeron, pulling together patchwork teams and risking the health of players and coaches from cash-strapped institutions, through an annual fall flu season wrapped around a pandemic. All for a little near-term TV amusement and cash.
Or maybe they and the Pac-12 are scared of President Trump, who weighed in Wednesday at a press conference.
“I want to recommend that the Pac-12 also get going because there’s no reason why Pac-12 shouldn’t be playing now,” Trump said. “Pac-12, you’re the only one now. Open up. Open up, Pac-12. Get going.”
If science dictates, they should ignore the bullying. The Pac-12 can sit out this human and environmental debacle, and wait for a better day.
The only way the PAC12 can be anywhere safe to continue athletics, and if football resumes I am assuming the entire athletic program would resume, the athletes would have to be in a bubble. IMO the student athlete has it hard enough and it would be extremely difficult to continue their studies while juggling a college education, athletics and living in a bubble. For that matter recruiting guidelines would have to be completely revamped. Chris Petersen got out at the right time.
Coach Orgern showed his ignorance with his statement. Fact of the matter is there have been documented cases of patients being infected with COVID19 a second time. And medical professionals are reporting serious long term effects with some patients such as asthma, joint pain, blood clots, damage to the heart, lungs and brain and other issues. This virus his the US at the end of January and there’s some who believe everything that needs to be learned has been learned. That’s about as off-base a conclusion as can be. We’re still learning things about the common cold and that’s been around a wee bit longer.
With the BIG10 resuming football I’m assuming it’s only a matter of time before the rest of college football resumes. Not surprising in the BIG10’s decision but terribly disappointing. Fact of the matter is Illinois, Wisconsin and Ohio are in the top ten of most new cases in the US in the past two weeks. Indiana and Pennsylvania are in the top 20. That’s seven schools in the conference who are located in COVID19 hot spots with Michigan and Iowa just missing the cut at 20 and 21 according to CNN. Blatantly obvious it’s a money driven decision and the news of Jamain Stephens, a 20 year old football player for California Univ. at PA, passing away due to a blood clot caused by COVID19 is lost on them. Possibly because he plays for a Division II school. It’s like a veil of darkness has covered over everything, from the wildfires to the hatred that results in the racism across the country to the ignorance and resistance to all things COVID19. To quote Dr. King “ Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” There needs to be a love for fellow man for things to progress.
Hear, hear.
Today Trump urged the Pac 12 to get with it. Trump wants schools to open and football to be played because he desperately needs an illusion of normalcy prior to the election. He’s willing to cause illness, and even death, to 18-22 year olds in order to hold onto power.
It must suck to be you.
People (you) who give themselves to a vile, lying and corrupt cult (Trump) become diminished.
Typical anti-Trump BS – leave him out of it – the conferences make their own decisions, and the facts show covid-19 deaths for under 24 year olds is very rare.
Trump, dean of the medical school at Trump University, says one of the world’s per-eminent doctors and scientists is mistaken and confused.
Once again, it’s not about “YOU” it’s about others whom you may be giving a death sentence to.
Why doesn’t Trump leave the conferences to their own decisions?
They are adults Art – the conferences make their own decisions. To bring Trump into this shows how many of your readers suffer from TDS. After 4 years, it’s a sad place to be, as they are clearly a product of the MSM.
The only thing I’d disagree on is the likely impact to Pac-12 football if they don’t decide to play. I’m not saying they should, but if the other 4 major conferences have a season and the Pac-12 doesn’t, the talent and cash drain will take a decade or longer to recoup.
The “science” changes daily…….whatever way the liberals want to shape it so they can beat the bad orange man. They won’t.
This article is about football, not fishing. Troll elsewhere.
I’m no fan of any politician and I don’t trust anyone at this point in time, but the teams that are playing seem to be doing something right. I guess we’ll see what the future brings
If you read the Deadspin survey link, the Big Ten schools aren’t doing something right. Besides, in a pandemic, mistakes are known for days or weeks.
The Pac 12 is “yielding” to peer pressure and financial calamity.
According to the CDC, almost no one under 54 dies from covid-19, and for ages 15-24 only 333 have died from covid-19,while ALL deaths 15-24 in the same time period totals 20,786. Here’s their web site.
So cases is a red herring. Deaths is the truth and that is why all other conferences are playing. This is the science I suggest we follow, and I’m sure the other conferences are looking at the same stats.
It isn’t just about deaths. It’s about long-term debilitation after “recovery.” The study of long haul COVID victims is early but the evidence is strong. And the incidences of myocarditis among infected athletes is why the Pac-12 backed away from football.
And why is 20,000 dead kids OK with you?
I don’t see where I wrote that 20,000 dead kids is ok. Don’t twist what is written. It was a stat from the CDC web site that I sited so the reader can see relative numbers, ie, 333 deaths are very few when compared to the rest of deaths in the same age group during the same period.
You’ve taken a gutsy stance here, Art. I applaud it in a big way.
Good on ya’
Thanks. I hope the college athletes survive the trials normally reserved for guinea pigs.