Drama has always followed Spencer Haywood, even 30 years after retirement. The report of the former Sonics superstar’s selection to the Basketball Hall of Fame, carried Friday by Sportspress Northwest and other media sites, was incorrect.
Fox Sports Florida first reported the selection. But basketball sources with knowledge of the final selections, to be announced Monday before the NCAA basketball championship game in Atlanta, said Haywood was not among the 12 nominees on the list to receive 18 of 24 votes from the Hall’s Honors Committee.
Haywood is still eligible for consideration in the future. Another former Sonic, Gary Payton, was selected unanimously and will be inducted Sept. 8.
1 Comment
Glove should have Woody introduce him, just to make the Hall think about how their omission of the best PF in Sonics history and one of the best players of the 70’s is wrong.