Marshawn Lynch’s long-delayed DUI case will likely be resolved after the 2013 NFL season, his attorney, Ivan Golde told ESPN Wednesday.
Lynch is scheduled to appear in Alameda County Court Dec. 27, but Golde plans to ask for a continuance. By doing so, the Seahawks running back won’t have to attend a trial two days before the Seahawks finish the regular season at home against the Rams.
“It’s likely we’ll get this postponed until after the Super Bowl,” said Golde in ESPN’s report. “There are some discrepancies in the case, and it is a very low blood-alcohol DUI. In the end, it will be Marshawn’s decision about how we proceed, but as of now, we plan to take this to trial.”
California Highway Patrol arrested Lynch July 14, 2012 at around 3:20 a.m. after his 2012 Ford van was spotted weaving lanes, nearly clipping two vehicles on Oakland’s Interstate 880. According to arresting officer Sam Morgan, Lynch pulled off at a nearby exit ramp. Asked to submit to a breathalyzer test, Lynch allegedly blew a .08 at the scene, then later a .10 at the Alameda County Sheriff Department’s North County Jail.
After posing for a mug, Lynch was cited and released. Hours later, he attended a youth football camp at his Oakland area high school hosted by his charity, the Fam 1st Family Foundation. Lynch’s spokesperson said the arrest came shortly after he left a bowling event the previous night in Albany.
In his interview with ESPN, Golde contended the police tampered with evidence.
“The officers in this case have changed their version several times as to what happened,” Golde said. “They have covered up evidence in this case.”
Lynch had his New York driver’s license revoked in 2008 after accidentally hitting a woman with his Porsche SUV in downtown Buffalo. Lynch later said he was distracted by another woman dancing in the streets after leaving a bar.
While in Culver City, CA. in 2009, police found a semiautomatic handgun in a backpack inside the trunk of a car in which Lynch was sitting. Lynch pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor gun charge. The NFL suspended him the first three games of the 2009 season and fined him about $112,000.
In most cases, the league typically waits for the legal process to finish before issuing fines or suspensions.
How convenient. I guess 17 months isn’t long enough to get your defense together. I’m sure we’d all get the same consideration. DUIs are overrated, anyway…it’s not like anyone can get hurt by a drunk driver or anything.
Agreed. But how does a .08 go to a .10 while you’re in police custody? Having lived in the East Bay, I wouldn’t trust anything the cops did down there. Especially if I happened to be a person of color.
Now then, Mr. Lewis, can we get some syntax correction on this, please? “Police found a semiautomatic handgun in a backpack inside the trunk of a car in which Lynch was sitting.” Lynch was sitting in the trunk of the car?
That IS pretty curious and his attorney’s concerns are valid.
Marshawn Lynch isn’t your average person, though, and I don’t think any of us would stay out of a courtroom this long. Fame can work for OR against you, and I think the judge granting a delay extending beyond the current season for a DUI case that’s already gone almost a year-and-a-half without going to trial is a “For.”