Since he suspended quarterback Cyler Miles and wide receiver Damore’ea Stringfellow following a Feb. 2 post-Super Bowl incident in the U District that resulted in injuries to two Seahawks revelers, new University of Washington football coach Chris Petersen has steadfastly refused to say how he intends to deal with the pair.
“We’re always going to do the right thing by our program,” Petersen said following a Husky spring practice this week. “I’ve said that from the start. We’re handling it internally and we’ll do the right thing, always – by our team, by the university and what’s right by our players.”
An apparent legal resolution occurred Wednesday when Stringfellow pleaded guilty to two counts of fourth-degree assault and one count of third-degree malicious mischief, all misdemeanors. A four-star recruit by former coach Steve Sarkisian, Stringfellow received only a token punishment – five days on a work crew, anger-management counseling and a $693 fine.
Miles, who had been expected to replace departing starter Keith Price, avoided prosecution after authorities determined there was insufficient evidence to charge him. Still, Miles remains suspended.
Stringfellow reportedly knocked a woman unconscious and damaged her camera after she photographed him fighting with an unidentified man during a Super Bowl party on Greek Row. In a separate incident, Stringfellow and Miles approached another man, and Stringfellow allegedly punched him in the head after he admitted being a Seahawks fan.
Stringfellow’s attorney explained that Stringfellow was sticking up for Miles, a Colorado native and Denver Broncos fan.
“We’ll probably let everybody know in the fall what’s going on with those guys when we start back up,” Petersen told 710 ESPN Seattle radio. “In terms of where we go forward, we’ll have that all figured out by the time we start in August and we’ll have answers for everybody.”
Petersen has several options. He could simply credit both players for time served and reinstate them without further penalties, reasoning that they have been punished to the significant extent that they missed all of spring practice and important exposure to Petersen’s new staff and system.
Petersen could suspend both for a year, or only suspend Stringfellow since he pleaded guilty. He could suspend Miles but not Stringfellow, since Stringfellow is already being punished while Miles still needs a whack for egregious knuckleheadedness. Or, Petersen could throw one or both off the team.
Miles escaped a legal slap, but might warrant an academic suspension for being so stupid as to wear a Broncos beanie to a Seahawks celebration. What did he think would happen?
What happened was exactly what Miles and Stringfellow hoped would happen – a physical confrontation. When Miles donned his orange headgear and went on the prowl for Seahawks celebrants, he was, abetted by Stringfellow, clearly looking for trouble. This is beyond poor judgment or simple brain lock. Miles sought to spark a potentially dangerous situation, and succeeded.
Does Petersen want that guy as his starting quarterback? Does he want Miles and Stringfellow representing the Washington Huskies? He has a tough call to make. What’s yours?
[polldaddy poll=7979001]
I’m all for winning some games but these guys need to be kicked off the team for good. Going out looking to fight Seahawks fans after we win the Superbowl, I mean come on. You’re from Colorado so sure it’s understandable you’re all butt hurt that your team just got a 60 minute beating, so wipe your tears and go to bed.
These guys do not belong in this city and I will be rooting for them to get injured wherever they play, since that was their intent that night, too hurt others.
Getting into a fight when you’re out drinking is one thing, but going out looking for trouble it’s entirely another, and targeting only Seahawks fans another level.
A guy got kicked off the team for punching a kicker and one of these knocked a woman out. If he stays on the team, what kind of message is that sending to the rest of the team? It’s unacceptable to hit a fellow teammate, so go knock a woman out and we’ll just slap you’re wrist.
The key point is heading out looking for trouble. That’s different than minding your own business when trouble finds you. Serious mistake.
Ok, but rooting for their injury? Really? I understand your disgust but IMO that’s over the line especially when their health is really their livelihood.
Drive drunk, sexually assault co-eds, pimp on the side while playing basketball at hec ed–all that and more is ok.
But mess with our seahawks? Sorry sir, but that crosses the lines of all decency in this town.
Not sure your listing was considered OK by anyone who needs to put a real name to their response.
send their tails back to colorado if nothing else for being idiots
I’m STUNNED that nearly 50% of you want to let these guys back on the team. Stunned. This type of behavior constitutes and declares oneself a moron. Period, end of statement. A guy representing the UofW goes out looking to beat up Seattleites who are celebrating their first Super Bowl win… Really….
Yeah, that is an SEC percentage. Apparently there’s more fans here who are satisfied to whap muzzles with a newspaper and say “bad dawgie!” then go let them play.