The Seattle City Council has a public meeting at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday to hear supporters and opponents talk about whether to vacate a portion of Occidental Avenue that presumably would trigger movement on Chris Hansen’s proposed arena project in Sodo. Not on the agenda, but figuratively looming in the room, will be the subject of whether KeyArena can be remodeled as an alternative solution for NBA/NHL franchises.
A report commissioned by the council and released the past May by AECOM, an industry leader in the business of arena-building, said that an option to remake the Key suitable for big-time basketball/hockey could be done for $285 million.
The report said by turning the arena floor diagonally, seating capacity could be set at 15,909 for hockey and 17,127 for basketball, using seat widths for most levels of 19 inches (feel free to put a tape measure to the sitting backside of a spouse/colleague; after the headache goes away from the punch/slap, judge for yourself).
This option would make the Key the second-smallest capacity arena in both sports. That’s not necessarily a fatal shortcoming by itself. But in listening to the retired deputy director of the Seattle Center, the remodel of a remodel is another attempt to stretch the building beyond its functional utility for big-time pro sports.
“I think it’s a lot of smoke and mirrors,” said Terry McLaughlin, who served the Center for nine years before before becoming executive vice-president of the Sonics for 12 years, until their 2008 departure. “The whole discussion is based on a premise that the AECOM study and its conclusions would be approved by the NBA and NHL. That hasn’t happened.
“I can’t imagine a league approving it. So the whole argument is specious.”
McLaughlin says up front he hasn’t read the AECOM report. But after 21 years as a city-government insider, then as a private lessee, there’s probably no one in town who knows more intimately the physical and financial ins and outs of a building that opened in 1962 for the Seattle World’s Fair.
“I’m as big a Key fan as there is,” he said, “but if (the NBA and NHL) are not coming to town, there’s no reason to consider” a remodel for big-time pro sports.
“You can’t do it with the shape of the bowl in the Key. Remember, when we did the remodel (in 1995), we were not trying to get hockey, we were trying to save basketball. To have hockey, you have to have a much bigger footprint and capacity. You have to blow (the Key) up and start over.”
Answering the “if” in McLaughlin’s point was at the heart of the council’s pursuit of the report, which was mandated by a provision in the memorandum of understanding signed among the city, King County and Hansen in 2012. The council is charged with keeping the Key and the Center solvent regardless of the fate of Hansen’s project.
“If” the Sodo arena doesn’t happen, then what?
The council pursued the report after the public comment period closed in 2013 for the environmental impact review required by state law for Hansen’s proposal. AECOM’s take on the Key drew no public attention from the council, a situation described by a Feb. 13 Seattle Times story as “brushing off” its conclusions on the remodel option because it contradicted the EIS outcome. The EIS found no environmental reason to halt Hansen’s plan.
But if the council was seen giving public weight to the AECOM report as an alternative to Sodo, Hansen could have accused the city of deliberately undermining the MOU. However, should the MOU expire in November 2017 with no Sodo arena underway, the council has the report upon which to help make new decisions about the Key.
Until the MOU’s expiration, the council is obliged to consider fairly its partner’s next step — Hansen’s request for a street vacation. Tuesday is the first of two public hearings on the matter. No council action will be taken until, at the earliest, a scheduled full-council meeting April 25. But the action can be postponed.
Which may happen. Opposition to the street vacation is well-organized and already under way.
Tuesday, a group of 36 members of the Legislature, from both houses and both parties, signed a letter to the city council urging it to not vacate Occidental, claiming that the arena’s proximity to the port “could have devastating effects” on freight mobility.
Additionally, Peter Goldman, an environmental attorney who represents the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) Local 19, which opposes the Sodo project on the same grounds — congestion around the port — wrote a five-page memo to the council and Mayor Ed Murray March 3. In it, he argued that there is no requirement in the MOU that a street vacation has to occur now, nor at any time prior to receipt of final documents by the council that state an NBA team will come to Seattle.
Voting to vacate prior to having proof of a team, Goldman wrote, would violate the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA).
Since Hansen isn’t getting an NBA team in the foreseeable future, his hopes rest for the moment on finding an NHL team, via expansion or relocation, whose owner is willing to be an equity partner in the arena construction. But according to a source who has talked with Hansen, no one has stepped forward.
It’s reasonable to speculate that a prospective NHL owner would want to wait until the project finally gets some runway. But that reduces the problem to the chicken-or-egg debate of which comes first: A team or a street vacation? The suspicion here is that a judge may be enlisted to decide.
Regarding the option of a fresh remodel of the 21-year-old Key configuration, McLaughlin described what is often forgotten: Any remodel is required to keep the buttresses that suspend the roof. That limitation keeps the arena footprint too small — at its current 368,000 square feet, it is half the size of the average arena — for modern pro sports needs.
After Clay Bennett bought the Sonics in 2006 but before the team left, McLaughlin said the city commissioned a study similar to AECOM’s that concluded a basketball-only remodel could be done for $250 million to $300 million. Steve Ballmer, still the Microsoft strongman, and other business people agreed to put up $150 million in private funds. But the remaining public share had to come from a tax-revenue diversion that the state Legislature refused to consider. End of remodel plan. End of Sonics.
And here we are again, eight years later, considering a $285 million remodel for both sports and no Ballmer.
“I don’t see it,” McLaughlin said.
A complete demolition of the the Key for a new structure would cost much more than the $285 million the city doesn’t have anyway. At least the Key today produces a small cash surplus for Center operations, and has done so annually since Bennett paid off the remaining construction debt to get out of the lease.
Hansen reiterated Monday during an interview with 950 KJR radio that he considered a Key remodel in 2011 and said no, but that it could serve as a temporary home for a team once the Sodo project was underway.
“We did look at it,” Hansen said. “The idea that it could be adequately renovated for under $300 million is ludicrous.
“You need Key Arena to play in for two years while we build the new arena.”
Yet . . .
Even if Hansen were to get the vacation and secure a hockey partner, that would not necessarily start the project. He must get the mayor and council to agree to rewrite the MOU to put a hockey franchise ahead of the return of the NBA.
Murray and some council members and staffers are more skeptical about the success of an NHL team, whose market value is unproven in Seattle. While hockey adherents would suggest that is ridiculous, many basketball adherents still can’t get over the fact that the NBA pulled a Sonics franchise out of Seattle after 41 mostly successful years.
Anyone following this saga needs to keep in mind that pro sports leagues are monopoly operations that will manipulate fans’ passions in the best interests of the industry. Failure to capitulate to their demands will cause the leagues to relocate. The pro sports industry cares nothing about fans’ dismay, because new fans can always be mined.
If you are new to Seattle in the eight years since the Sonics have been gone, read up on the current experience by sports fans in St. Louis after the NFL permitted the Rams to decamp to Los Angeles. You will understand the phrase reckless disregard.
Meanwhile in Seattle, opponents of the Sodo arena also have failed to distinguish themselves.
The letter-writing legislators, along with the Times editorialists who termed the potential loss of Occidental “irreplaceable,” should take 17 minutes to watch this time-lapse video posted last week by the crew who made the remarkable documentary “Sonicsgate.”
Go ahead, count the semi-truck trailers on Occidental:
As a final, historical note in this primer ahead of the council hearing, it was in 1996 that the Mariners, flush with $380 million in public funding for a stadium, asked the city for a street vacation in order to build what became Safeco Field.
You’ll find that part of Occidental under second base.
Well Seattle, in the meantime I’ll just spend my sports dollars out of state and out of country. I’d prefer to support the local economy and by extension pay taxes into Seattle’s coffers. But if you don’t want me to, that’s fine.
The Kings beat the Washington Capitals in OT last Wednesday. It was an exciting game and the pregame food and beverages consumed in the neighborhood were sumptuous and refreshing.
I think it’s a little early to quit on things.
I’m curious. What was the ticket price and how was the view?
I think it was $148. We sat in the premier section with seat service if I remember correctly? On the goal line looking across the goal mouth. My first trip to Staples. The lower bowl goes way out and then (as you probably already know) the suite and upper bowl go straight up. It felt like we were fairly far from the ice given how low we were. I like the drawings Hansen has put out much better.
Rogers Arena up in VC is probably a better venue for site lines but getting in and out of Stapes was much easier.
Hansen’s arena is on a tight footprint. The bowl pitch will be a trick.
Were you surprised at being away so far for $148?
I was surprised at the architectural of how the building was designed. The lower bowl seemed to have a relatively flat slope that went back pretty far and then everything went straight up. I went to a Blackhawks game in the early 80s at old Chicago Stadium. The many tiers at Staples reminded me of that arena but the seating was right on top of the ice. Of course there were no suites at the Stadium.
Then again the bottom line here is each venue gave me an NHL game to watch. No such luck so far in Seattle.
why not just turn key arena into a massive charter school? win win
Cannabis mall?
Market is already too crowded.
But retail always seems to evolve into big box stores. Kirkland Brand!
I liked it better as a WWE stage when Karl and Payton went at it.
“Voting to vacate prior to having proof of a team, Goldman wrote, would violate the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA).”
No, it wouldn’t.
Environmental review has been done. Design review process has been done. SDOT has made its recommendation. The public hearing is tonight. They have provided three other chances for public comment in the Sustainability & Transportation committee meetings. Public comments can be heard during the full council meetings. The process has been followed explicitly.
There is nothing in SEPA law that says having a proof of a team is a requirement to grant conditional approval of the vacation.
Street vacations are a two-step process: conditional approval and final ordinance. The city can set one of the conditions to achieve the final ordinance to be acquiring a team to begin construction, which is pretty much the de facto position as it is.
I’d like to see the legal gymnastics Goldman has to do to prove his statement.
Thanks for the insight. Goldman’s claim is based on terms specific to the MOU. I suspect he will be there tonight.
Jesus! Look at all the cars speeding and near accidents in that video! Where the hell is the Seattle PD to monitor this craziness!?!?!
I think they are busy profiling you for wise-guy commentary.
Have not the residents of the region voted by like a 70-30 margin against these sports franchises? As Art indicated, the owners are monopolists. I will go further, they are vultures, feeding off the dead carcass of fans who used to wholeheartedly support the team. Fans who are tired of being manipulated, lied to, and stolen from. And when there is no more meat on the carcass, the vultures pull up stakes and move on to the next town, to repeat the process. When Seattle stood up and said “no, not me” it was a breath of fresh air.
Um, actually franchise movement isn’t that frequent. It’s a fairly rare event.
actually it has been going on since the dawn of modern sports. That doesn’t make it right, however, because it not.
I have to agree with PM. It’s been a steady drumbeat since the 1880s. Three teams in the NFL wanted to move over the winter, and one did. The others may yet.
It was indeed rare that with the vote in 2007, a city stood up to pro sports. And Seattle paid the price. It’s a value judgment whether it was worth it.
Write about the REAL, REAL issue here, which is that the NBA is NOT coming back to Seattle ANY TIME SOON, to put it politely, and the ONLY realistic sports option is to bring a NHL franchise to town, and if that is not going to happen for whatever reason, the rest of this stuff is just a superfluous waste of time and ink. Now, say after me, “Things are much closer to the NBA NEVER coming back to Seattle than it is to the NBA coming back in the next five years or so.”
That’s been an obvious part of the discussion. But it is the trigger in the MOU mechanism. It can’t be changed unless and until an NHL team owner emerges to partner with Hansen. But that can’t happen until the city agrees to vacate a street.
Please follow along.
As a retired title insurance examiner and exec. I’m well aware of the street vacation process and how they are done with absolutely no fanfare and generally a done deal with little or no conversation. UNTIL NOW.
Couldn’t be happening at a worse time…Prime time presidential election year. Little people finding themselves on a political stage with some coverage and an opportunity to – all of a sudden get—
This one may need a bit more of the “we the people” insight and response than normal…That is for a mere street vacation process.
If you guys really want the Sonics back, then let yourselves be heard. We can get this done.
I don’t think sports fans massing at a public hearing is going to have a big impact on public policy.
No other industry in town has two talk radio stations mobilizing its constituency.
Thank you, for explaining so much more than some will ever understand.
You’re wrlcome.