Responding to President Trump’s disparaging remarks Friday about player protests, the Seahawks and host Tennessee Titans sat out the national anthem Sunday in Nashville’s Nissan Stadium. The Seahawks entered the field arm in arm.
Before the game, the Seahawks released a statement.
Saturday in Nashville, coach Pete Carroll released his own statement about Trump’s remarks that have caused a national controversy.

The teams joined the Pittsburgh Steelers in boycotting the anthem as a team.
Numerous Seahawks took to social media to express their anger at Trump’s remarks, including DE Cliff Avril:
Wow! Is this what we’ve come to? The “leader” of this country continues to try to divide us and now wants to divide one of the few thing that any and everyone can come together and enjoy no matter ethnic group you are. #WORRIEDABOUTALLTHEWRONGTHINGS
Pete spoke eloquently on the subject on CBS this morning. Let’s hope this is the spark that they needed as players. It is easy to be complacent when you’re rich beyond your wildest dreams and the NFL has worked hard to drill into you the importance of protecting the shield but social media and now the dotard in charge have blown the lid off that. Rise up gentlemen and use your platform.
You make a point about this. Protesting puts at risk their financial futures, given the potential for backlash.
Go ahead and disrespect the symbol of our country if you like. I have options too. I will no longer watch the Seahawks or any other NFL team until this crap ends. PERIOD!
Well then this should be your last post. Thank goodness! Arrivederci.
Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
Besides, it’s not politics you want removed.
It’s political opinions that don’t mesh nicely with yours.
I’m sure you were upset when Trump took an unprovoked shot at the NFL, right?
Sorry, Ken. Can’t take reality out of sports. It’s always been there, starting with the re-born Olympics in 1896. I wish you could change the real world by withdrawing from it, but I don’t think it will work.
You’re welcome here anytime.
The team’s statement said they wouldn’t participate in the national anthem. Bravo. Did the offense release a statement that they wouldn’t participate until roughly 2:20 was left in the first half, leaving the defense to try to keep them in the game? Thankfully, they did. But they’d spent themselves in the process, rendering themselves uncompetitive from mid-third quarter on.
They were competitive throughout, just not very good in parts. It’s happened to Carroll’s team in the past, including the SB years.