After prevailing through a pandemic, many things look a little different — jobs, relationships, politics, food, the sweaty person in the airplane seat next to you. Then there’s the little stuff — like the future and the past.
At first, we’re startled, often unpleasantly. As with starting a ghost runner at second base in the 10th inning of a deadlocked baseball game. Obviously, a crime against the spirit of Abner Doubleday. Then we try it out.
I don’t know about you, but I have discovered, suddenly and embarrassingly, that I’ve come to accept this wrinkle. Even, ahem, that I like it.
Or do I hate extra innings more?
A need to adapt is what’s behind the new look for Sportspress Northwest: Looking at things anew, realizing change was overdue.
The WordPress platform is much improved with themes, features, functionality, security and a better mobile experience. SPNW’s IT wizard Tim Garrison says both the site and I are works in progress, so there will be tweaks, glitches and changes. And as always, you, dear reader, are free to offer learned discourse in the digital arts.
If the Seahawks can draft a short cornerback, if the Sounders can go nine games without giving up a goal in the run of play, if the Mariners can sweep four games from the defending American League champs, if the Storm can put 60 percent of its starting lineup on the U.S. Olympic team, the least SPNW can do is try strive for the better too.
Whatever the reason, we adapt. Or die with a runner on second.