I’d like to ask a favor simultaneously of the Seahawks and the rest of the NFL, and even the broader big-time sports community, to which we devote a disproportionate amount of interest, affection and disposable income.
Because an innocent woman lies in a Seattle-area hospital after being beaten nearly to death by her boyfriend, who is now a former Seahawks player, and because mental-health issues for athletes are no longer taboo material for public discourse, I’d like to ask for an explanation about what teams and leagues do to ascertain whether a prospective employee is as fit psychologically as physically for a high-stress job.
I don’t know the answers. And I don’t mean to suggest naming names or violating privacy laws. But after reading in the Kent police report that the victim said Chad Wheeler “suffers from bi-polar disorder but has not been taken his medication recently,” I think it’s fair to ask what sort of mental-health screening pro and college sports teams do before they invite athletes into our communities.
It’s a question to ask now because there is no contention by Wheeler that he was innocent, or provoked or threatened in the episode Friday night at a Kent residence. We don’t have to wait months for a jury decision.
Wednesday on his Twitter account, he admitted the deed.
“Events happened over the weekend that transpired from a manic episode,” he wrote. “I am deeply sorry for the pain and suffering that I have caused to (her) and her family.
“I apologize profusely for the turmoil that I have caused to my family, teammates and those closest to me. The most important thing right now is that (she) gets the care she needs and I get help. Both are happening.
“It is time for me to walk away from football and get the help I need to never again pose a threat to another. I cannot express my sorrow or remorse enough. I am truly ashamed.”
Wheeler owned up to the mental health problems, and the crimes. He’s leaving football and seeking treatment. No applause sign is flashing here, because the actions constitute the mandatory minimum. Confession does not heal the trauma, but it speeds the pursuit of justice.
After his arrest early Saturday and a posting Monday of a $400,000 bond Monday to gain his release from jail, Wheeler, 27, was charged by the King County Prosecutors office Wednesday: First-degree domestic violence assault, a Class A felony, and domestic violence unlawful imprisonment, a Class C felony, plus a misdemeanor charge of resisting arrest.
According to the prosecutor’s office, the standard range of sentencing for first-degree domestic violence assault is 93 to 123 months. If the defendant is also convicted of unlawful imprisonment, the first-degree domestic violence assault standard range increases to 111 to 147 months.
Wheeler is scheduled to be arraigned Feb. 9, when he will enter a plea. Prosecutors also asked a judge to require Wheeler be placed on electronic home detention, and wear an ankle monitoring device equipped with GPS monitoring.
The backup offensive lineman, a former first-team all-Pac-12 player at USC who went undrafted and played five games with Seattle in 2020, was previously categorized as a restricted free agent and technically not part of the team. But as the story spread nationally to much condemnation, the Seahawks finally issued a statement Wednesday on Twitter.
— Seahawks PR (@seahawksPR) January 27, 2021
Then they waived him. That’s about the extent of the team’s involvement now. But it’s not as easy to dismiss the police report.
The victim, 5-foot-9 and 145 pounds, told police that Wheeler (6-7, 310) ordered her to “stand up and bow to him. When she refused, he grabbed her by the neck and threw her on the bed.”
The police report states Wheeler “strangled (her) with both his hands for some time.” The report states Wheeler took one hand and “crushed it against her nose and mouth trying to stop her from breathing as he continued to strangle her with his other hand.” She said she lost consciousness.
Affter she regained consciousness, Wheeler was standing near the bed. She told police Wheeler said to her, “Wow, you’re alive?”
She stated she ran into the bathroom, locked the door, and called 911 and family. Wheeler picked the lock and entered the bathroom, where police found the pair, freeing the woman and arresting Wheeler after he initially resisted.
Since Wheeler’s tweet appears to end any argument about the facts of the case, and since the Seahawks have dismissed him, the question arises as to whether the NFL and the players union want this to be a one-off lost under the Super Bowl hype machine, or try to do something more pro-active.
Nothing is known publicly about Wheeler’s history with diagnosis and previous treatment, or whether his first team, the New York Giants, acknowledged problems. But the Seahawks’ history with mental health issues has a noteworthy public precedent: WR Percy Harvin in 2013-14.
In Harvin’s case, he had a fist-fight with fellow WR Golden Tate in a meeting the day before the Seahawks won the Super Bowl in New York, an episode the club managed to keep secret for more than a year.
Harvin in 2018 admitted that he had been diagnosed with anxiety disorder. But in October 2014, to avoid further team tension, the Seahawks, who traded huge treasure to Minnesota for Harvin, shocked the NFL when they traded him to the Jets for a conditional draft pick.
How did the Seahawks miss Harvin’s problem?
The sports world has begun to pay serious public attention to mental health. But most players unions, while supportive of the athletes, have been loathe to engage with franchise owners in creating any psychological wellness standards, for the obvious reasons that it is subjective, and easily abused by any owner who needs an excuse to unload a player no longer wanted.
But the idea here is not to create a standard for employment or performance, but a minimum screening process through independent clinics to help athletes who never considered the idea. If teams and unions can get past the standard mistrust and agree on the notion’s worthiness, a system can set up and discussed publicly to help remove the stigma long associated with seeking treatment, especially among rich, young, macho guys.
Harvin and Wheeler managed to work their way up the pro sports hierarchy with clinically diagnosable issues. Common sense says there are many similar stories.
As was mentioned, progress to a solution is tricky and touchy. But there’s a battered woman lying in a local hospital bed wishing someone had done something earlier. And the Seahawks have reasons to be leaders, because it sure looks crappy to be behinders.
Let’s see if he gets the Ray Rice treatment and becomes synonymous with pro athletes and domestic violence.
There’s no video, so far. Images are what govern human response.
True. But, if the description of what he did to her is accurate, it’ll be interesting to see if the media will decide if he’s more the poster boy for that or for athletes with bi-polar disorder.
It seems intertwined. A bi-polar pro athlete committed a heinous crime.
True. But, there are spots talk radio hosts outside this market who’ve raised the issue and asked the same question I did, which, I found to be poignant and valid within the context of an honest critique of the sports media. Wheeler surely isn’t the first DV’r to have a secondary issue besides that in his personal file. But, I don’t recall the media ever deciding that the secondary issue was worthy of replacing the DV in their conversation and criticism that resulted from it. 1 East Coast host in particular I was listening to Thursday morning specifically wondered if the media narrative would focus so much on the secondary issue that the primary issue would get lost in the shuffle, which doesn’t usually happen. The guy I’m referring to is white, and made a point about not wanting to let the media off the hook with critiquing and criticizing Wheeler in the same manner they have for others before him, whether they’ve had a secondary issue or not. And, ESPECIALLY considering the ethnicity of Wheeler’s victim.
If the sports media truly cares about mental illness, they probably wouldn’t need video of a crime like Wheeler’s before they’ll raise the issue.
Not to make light of this, but that’s an interesting comment coming from someone whose words are so evocative!
That’s a wry observation. My experience after many years in journalism is that words well done create an intellectual appreciation. An evocative photo/video is a visceral distillation, freezing a moment that produces a response different than rational thinking, and often, but not always, more memorable.
Horrible story. My thoughts are with the victim. Just wondering, Art, if you mean to imply that any of what you say is specific to the NFL, or any sports league? Many people experience very high stress in their jobs, and bring mental health issues… and do horrible things. Should everyone be screened? It also seems clear that Wheeler had been “screened” insofar as he had already been on medication. So what more, policy-wise, could have been done? I’m not necessarily disagreeing, but it sure is tricky, as you say.
I mentioned it’s an all-sports problem. But frequently, it falls to the NFL to take a lead on human-behavior issues. I would like to know what kind of psychological screenings take place for pilots and other jobs involving public safety. I’m guessing it’s limited because it is likely an employee-rights violation.
We still have a stigma attached in sharing mental health information because of the assumption is that it will be an employment disqualifier.
Then there’s the working class that doesn’t have the resources for screening or treatment. Maybe by recognizing it in pro sports more folks can get the help they need. Bi-polar is very real for a lot of working folks.
No doubt. The amplifier of pro sports has often been a way to jump-start the discussion about difficult issues that often are kept hidden (racism, sexism, PEDs, bullying, etc).
If people in charge asked me for my advice, I would tell them to get mental health outreach programs available in as many underserved areas as possible: schools, community centers, social workers, unemployment offices, small business or trade associations, etc. When I started suspecting something was wrong with me in my late 20s, I used my company’s Employee Action Program to obtain access to five free sessions with a local mental health provider. That was a big help; unfortunately, many others don’t have that opportunity. This should have been made available to all those people let go during the pandemic, no question.
Sure, it’ll cost a lot of tax dollars. It’s still worth it.
I appreciate the insight you’re providing us. Mental health disorders are complicated and nuanced; these are not repaired like ACL tears, but are not hopeless, as you described.
Your point about the disruptive influence of a pandemic is important too. A lot of employed but vulnerable people have been disconnected from a potential support system that has nothing to do with income and everything to do maintaining psychological stability.
My first thought was this guy just went from a highly structured, disciplined environment to…nothing. During the season there was practice and games, a rhythm and structure to his day and his week. An outlet for aggression and energy. And suddenly that is gone. He fell apart after that. Absolutely no justification, just an observation. I don’t know what teams do to transition players to off season. Perhaps that should be a discussion as well.
That’s an interesting point. The transition is probably amplified even more during a normal season when players go from 60 thousand screaming fan every Sunday to… nothing.
It’s a transition that all players have to manage. But if there were a bi-polar diagnosis and treatment plan on file with the NFL, team and union, precautions can be taken, although self-medicating ultimately comes down to one person. Should a team hire someone with that risk factor?
This also may be why he stopped taking his meds? A daily routine disrupted? I have never known a person with his traumatic mental health situation, but I have known exemplary people’s lives completely taken over by their coke addition. Having witnessed that, this fellow not taking his meds may have unleashed his inner demons. I don’t know what a team can do when a player is no longer in their employ.
That’s why I was suggesting the entire league and union take a more pro-active approach to mental health. The Seahawks may or may not have ignored warning signs, along with the Giants, his previous employer. But teams and the union can’t keep kicking this can down the road.
Fair point. Every pro-team coach has the same worry for even the most stable players, because they typically are men young, rich and bored, especially in a pandemic. But that is a circumstance, not a cause of Wheeler’s bi-polar disorder. What I’ve read about the problem says triggers that cause someone to stop medicating are many.
“My first thought” is personal responsibility.
Thanks for your judgmental response regarding my word choice. It must be a challenge to be on such a high horse.
If demanding personal responsibility is riding the high horse, so be it.
Sure, internet custodian. If instead I had led with “It occurs to me…” would I have passed your judgement? It must be exhausting policing others’ thoughts.
If she was your daughter, then word choice and horses would not be in your lexicon. However, policing would.
Wheeler’s tweets indicate personal responsibility, and the arrest and charges suggest justice is being pursued.
For having bipolar disorder?
What are you saying?
Can you please clarify what you want him to take responsibility for? He is responsible for the violence. But if his bipolar disorder caused the violence, then that is trickier. Are people responsible for their own mental illness? Not saying he doesn’t have responsibility, only that it’s a complicated question. Like Kevin said, “no justification,” but there are lots of variables at play.
Speaking as a bipolar person, there are times when I can catch myself from doing something dumb, and others when the illness takes over before my senses realize what’s happening. Proper medication and counseling have helped immensely, but the chemical imbalance in my brain and likely hereditary propensity for mental illness makes me more susceptible to acting on bad instincts when “triggered” than a normal person. I’ll have to grapple with this for the rest of my life, and it is no fun.
Wheeler definitely should be held accountable for his horrific actions. However, if investigations shows he was so psychotic and utterly incapable of controlling himself, the onus then falls on those who didn’t have him committed to an institution for the public’s safety.
He was responsible for not taking his medication.
Was it his decision to not take it, or was there an issue getting the meds to him? Some of my worst outbreaks happened when there was a supply-chain snafu that left me without my medication for a couple of weeks.
Are patients asked/required to maintain dosage supply that covers for disruption?
My pharmacy notifies me when their records show I’m about a week away from needing my monthly prescriptions refilled. I also can contact them to request refill if I notice they haven’t notified me or I’ll need extra supply for situations like an extended vacation.
Some people with “milder” levels of bipolar or other mental health issues may decline to continue medication, even if their doctors and therapists/psychiatrists advise otherwise. (Think cancer patients declining chemotherapy in favor of alternative therapies or simply letting whatever happens happen.) For those who have severe levels, I could see doctors requiring a constant supply of meds …. but in those cases, those persons should’ve been institutionalized in the first place for the safety of the public.
You open another aspect worthy of more info: Short of a jury conviction for a crime, who makes a judgment on whether the severity of the disorder is a genuine threat to public safety? A “mild” case properly treated should not necessarily disqualify one from employment. But do the NFL and union know enough to say whether the risk of a manic episode is small enough to accept?
I believe the person’s mental health evaluator or an assigned professional can make that call, like a judge setting bail before trial or à parole officer deciding how much leash a newly released prisoner should have when rejoining society. When you sign up for mental health treatment, the fine print says what you and the professionals discuss is confidential unless they determine you are a serious risk to the safety of the public.
As for cases of someone who’s clearly deranged, like (stereotype mode on) a raving lunatic in Pioneer Square who’s frightening people going about their business, the police or social workers should get that person removed from the public and into a place where they can get treatment.
The system seems to have a progression for help. The evaluator has a lot of pressure. I understand the reason for privacy, but I don’t know how that works in the NFL when the diagnosis must travel with the player.
I know the NFL mandates releasing accurate information over physical injuries. Lately, though, HIPPA privacy laws have been used to justify covering up medical issues in the other sports. (You are going to *love* the NHL team listing unavailable players as having “upper-body” and “lower-body” injuries.) It wouldn’t surprise me if NFL teams used HIPPA to legally shield players’ mental concerns from other teams. Sports law scholars, like Mike McCann at Sportico.com, might be good people to ask.
At least some leagues are starting to understand players’ needs for mental health breaks. Rumble-tumble Aussie Rules football, of all sports, includes that category in listing unavailable players (“Jones, knee; Smith; ribs; Wilson, suspension, Parker, mental health”).
(Note: I had written an earlier comment detailing my own struggles with bipolar disorder, but for some reason it was hidden as “spam”. Hence this more concise reply here.)
I’m sorry to hear, Kirkland. Thank you for sharing a personal experience important to the discussion (the spam block was apparently an accident).
Judging by his tweets and not his pending legal position in the arraignment (now at 9a Mon), Wheeler recognizes his personal responsibility in this case. What will be noteworthy is his history with the condition, including any previous manic episodes while at USC and with his employers.
I also would like clarity from the players union about their awareness of his condition, and the policy for others so diagnosed.
Best wishes to you in managing the struggle.
Thanks for sharing this insight.
If she was your daughter, “variables” would not be in your lexicon.
Do you think anyone is defending domestic violence? No matter how many times someone says “he’s responsible” or “no justification,” you seem intent on moral one upsmanship. When someone close to us is hurt it can make it impossible to think clearly or try to understand complicated problems. But when I can think clearly, I try to do so. So can you.
Probably true. Which is why we have lawyers.
One of the leagues (either NFL or NBA) has set up a vocational training program for players who want to go into broadcasting after their careers. I wonder if they also have training for “regular” careers like, say, accounting, insurance, or public relations.
This is shocking … only in that the NFL, NBA & MLB (apparently) adhere to a strict – if there’s no video it never happened – policy. I can only imagine – and fail – to comprehend the darkness that must surround those afflicted with Bipolar disorder. My heart goes out even more to the victim in this case and others. Art, you ask a relevant question of the NFL. A better question might be why have they consciously and purposely swept these assaults under the rug for so many years; particularly for starters?
Since the Ray Rice video shamed the NFL into action, the NFL has been more pro-active. But as is the case so often with DV in any part of society, episodes are often hard to prove, and witnesses often recant. Ask any cop, and he or she will tell you that calls to respond to DV are the ones they most dread, not just because of the consequences to the victim, but because the cases are so messy.
This one seems clear.
Chad Wheeler – a backup offensive lineman – suffers from bi-polar disorder. Not to excuse his actions, but it would seem this was obviously a contributing factor regarding his behavior. The team waived him – which was their right. Jarran Reed – a starting D-lineman and key player – rips a door off the hinges to assault a women – dragging her by the hair. The league suspends him for six games. When he returns, the team retains him, Coach Wonka even exults after re-signing Reed to an enormous contract “he’s one of our guys!”
The rank hypocrisy of this organization makes me want to puke.
I know Reed broke down a door. I never read the dragging-by-the-hair part. Is that for real? Was there evidence for that somewhere? That would be way more troubling if true.
The Times’ Bob Condotta wrote a good explainer, linked here. Basically the Bellevue city prosecutors declined the recommendation by Bellevue police for charges, but their explanation was redacted.
The NFL had enough to suspend him in six games. But their personal conduct policy doesn’t require police charges to invoke penalties.
It looks as if the problem was made to go away, but we’ll likely never learn what was redacted.
Thanks for the link. The accusations should be NFL disqualifying if true. Seems like the facts will forever remain a bit murky.
I assume the NFL punishment for the incident was in line with what was collectively bargained with the union.
As a bipolar person myself, this news horrifies me. It demonstrates what can go terribly wrong with we bipolar people if we don’t maintain treatment or medication programs, or especially if we never get diagnosed at all.
(Let’s get this clear first: Priority must be for the physical recovery of the girlfriend and the legal process holding Wheeler accountable. You are responsible for your actions, and if everything we’ve heard is true and if there are no mitigating circumstances, he should go to jail.)
OK, then. Living with this disease is no fun. Even when I’m on regular medication and life is going smoothly, certain triggers can get me from zen to sheer rage within three seconds. Those triggers range from family issues to the news, internet trolls and bad drivers. And when it gets really bad I’ve ended up destroying treasured inanimate objects and possessions … and after it sinks in what I’ve done, I end up in bed for two days straight with the blankets covered over me in shame.
Though medication and therapy these bursts have gotten much rarer over the years, but they still happen. I’ve burned personal and professional relationships over them, and I’m nervous enough that I’m even avoiding romantic relationships, and I’m definitely not having kids. I don’t want to put a wonderful woman through the same grief I’ve put my direct and extended family through, and because mental illness has strong genetic correlations I don’t want to pass this on to children. (There are clear examples of mental disorders with the siblings and cousins of one of my parents, and also in at least one of my nephews and nieces.) Again, I’m in a better place than I was in my 20s, but I don’t wish this on anybody.
If I could speak to people with authority, I’d say we must deliver mental health accessibility to as many people in society as we can, to both prevent ghastly situations like Wheeler’s and to help people like me who just want to live as normally as possible. I was lucky that my previous employer had an Employee Assistance Program where I could begin exploratory counseling for free and then branch out to mental health professionals after. Sports teams, certain businesses and other institutions are beginning to understand the importance of mental health and are making resources available, and hopefully minimizing people falling through the cracks like Wheeler. Now we have to extend those services to schools, social outreach programs and anybody else who doesn’t have the resources for $100/hr therapy sessions. Lord knows we’ve needed it badly, even before the pandemic.
On a more proactive note: Today is “Bell Let’s Talk Day”. When you use the hashtag #BellLetsTalk on your social media accounts, the Canadian telecom Bell will donate five cents to Canadian mental health resources. Even though this is a Canadian drive, mental health is a worldwide issue everyone has a stake in, and Bell will include tweets/TikToks/whatever from Americans and elsewhere in its giving. A lot of nickels adds up to a lot of help. https://letstalk.bell.ca/en/
Thanks for sharing a worthy effort at awareness. Not surprising the U.S. is coming in second behind Canada regarding public health.
All this is awful. Shameful. On everyone’s part, including every NFL squad. I hope they’re going back and looking at their players and doing something about it. My guess is that they’ll pay it lip service and try to move on. I’m no genius in guessing that – that’s what they’ve done since the dawn of time. That said, how does CTE play into actions like this in the future? How many people have been beaten by ex-players – that we never hear about – partly due to the ex-hero syndrome and partly due to the real effects of CTE?
CTE would not surprise me, but we’re still in the early days of researching that.
I don’t think it’s relevant here.
A diagnosis of CTE can only be made post-mortem. And Wheeler and the victim have already offered anecdotal evidence of the bi-polar diagnosis. I think the community would like to know who knew what and when about Wheeler’s condition.
I was unclear. What I meant was that, in the future, there will be CTE related abuse cases well after the player is out of the spotlight. If the NFL isn’t paying attention now, how horrible will it be then?
It’s such a complex problem because CTE is only known post-mortem, and there is no proof that CTE always leads to abuse, or that non-football conditions weren’t responsible for the behavior.
The predictable columns about the NFL having a DV problem followed the arrest of Wheeler but I’d be willing to bet that by the numbers employers such as Boeing or Walmart have more. But they’re not held as accountable that sports are and both make about as much profit if not more. And are about as visible.
If anything Wheeler’s previous team IMO should be obligated to inform teams of any known issues that are a concern that they kept in house. But this is on Wheeler and by stepping away from football he’s being accountable though he didn’t have much choice. I don’t know how involved the NFL is in DV prevention and awareness but I’d like to see them give financial aid to DV support services and encourage fans to do so as well. Hiring more women in management positions would help in setting example as well. Being more economically independent is considered a tool in DV prevention as well. The pandemic, social injustice and the state of the union of the past four years probably don’t help things but if Wheeler and Percy Harvin can acknowledge their problems then there’s hope.
DV has been a big part of human culture for a long time. But it wasn’t deemed important enough to have its own name until the past 30 years. Most companies and sports leagues have adopted DV programs featuring awareness and prevention. But I don’t know what information is exchanged between teams or shared with the league regarding mental health issues among individual players. That was my point. The players union needs to play a role here because a clinical diagnosis can be disputed. An erroneous one can end a career. But the screening/exam needs to be on a level similar to a physical.
A chronic physical injury damages player and team. A psychological disorder can hurt the community.
There are also, astonishingly, some cultures and countries where DV is considered normal and not even a crime. Horrifying.
Tragically true.
Two things make these problems worse in the NFL than elsewhere. First, most NFL players (and all linemen) are big and strong. They can overwhelm nearly anyone and quickly cause serious physical damage.
Second, the game itself is bipolar. Violent mayhem is highly rewarded, but it must stay within the lines. The same bone-crushing tackle that gets praise on the field and earns a high paycheck elicits a 15-yard penalty if the ball carrier has crossed over the sideline. This requires an off/on switch that many normal players do not have, let alone those players suffering from mental illness. And once the player has left the stadium there are no guys with striped shirts and whistles to intervene and stop the chaos.
No one who has been medically diagnosed as bipolar should be allowed to play in the NFL. The situation is unmanageable. It encourages the very behavior that needs to be controlled.
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I get your point, but I would rather hear a binary conclusion like that from medical science. The on-off demand is a part of many disciplines — military, police, firefighters, etc. Some people manage it better than others; some need pharmaceutical assistance. I’m not smart enough to know whether all football players so diagnosed can’t continue.
It would seem that Wheeler’s taking ownership of the crimes committed, demonstrating presumably sincere remorse and facing the consequences are the first steps in a years-long path to rehabilitation. It’s quite certain that Wheeler’s NFL career is irretrievable, due to the likelihood that he will be spending years in prison. His best hope is to succeed at rehabilitation and eventually live a productive life.
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All true. But I have a hard time caring much about his future.
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